Thursday, August 16, 2007

Why I Want to Stay In Pittsburgh

Why do I want to stay in Pittsburgh? Let me count the reasons:

1. My parents, who both live in the Pittsburgh area, are getting up there in years. I very much like being accessible to them. Additionally, one of my parents is battling cancer for the second time. I don't know how much time this parent has left; that's why I want to maximize my time with them.

2. Many of my other family members also live nearby. I like being able to have a positive influence on my nephews and niece. If my involvement in their lives means they become productive citizens who never see the inside of a jail cell, then I've done my part.

3. Pittsburgh has a very affordable cost of living. I am astounded at how much people in other parts of country -- especially New York City, California, Florida, Washington, D.C., and elsewhere pay for housing.

4. I like the friendliness of the Pittsburgh region. It's not uncommon in some regions of the country to not know your neighbor, even though you may have lived next to them for years. I know all my neighbors and often lend a hand to my elderly next-door neighbor, Betty. Whether it's trimming her bushes or bringing in her groceries, she's happy for the help and I'm happy to get the exercise.

5. I like the weather in the Pittsburgh area. It's blessedly unhumid most of the year and moderately cold in the winter.

1 comment:

homeless said...

The city and county are having a career fair on September 18th at the convention center from 10 to 3 with employers that will have available jobs now. In addition, depending on your salary requirement, you may want to look at the non-profit/social work or government arena(s). You definately could help someone...good luck...